Name Date Color on map Time Ascent Avg ft/hr Distance Avg mph Notes
Ruby Glades 17-Feb-08 Dark Red (hidden behind Ruby Bowl & 'Shroom Room) 1.50 1250 833 1.9 1.27
Little Sister 18-Feb-08 Green 8.72 6600 757 10.1 1.16 First run on south-facing slope was heavy. Last run down NE facing slope remarkably good.
Caribou Ridge 19-Feb-08 Magenta 8.30 6200 747 13.4 1.61 Ascent does not include the snow-mobile ride back up (about 400-500ft)
Shannon Lake 20-Feb-08 Blue 8.28 6200 748 15.2 1.84 Ascent does not include the snow-mobile ride back up (about 400-500ft)
Gold Ridge 21-Feb-08 Yellow 8.42 6200 737 10.0 1.19
Shroom Room 22-Feb-08 Grey 7.92 6220 786 9.9 1.25 Track on map approximate for last hour or two - lost battery on GPS
Ruby Bowl 23-Feb-08 Red 8.18 6150 752 8.9 1.09 Last two runs off Ruby Ridge steep and fun.
TOTAL 51.32 38,820